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A topic by mallatius created 36 days ago Views: 404 Replies: 7
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(1 edit)


Fantastic job. Plural : Jobs. I love MFCG, but also the other generators.

I am creating a scenario generator for GameMasters, and I am looking for mapping tools to include in the GM scenarios.

I think that my questions have already been asked, ... but :

- i am interested by getting the 2D map of cities, or caves, or ... but mainly, I am looking for JSON exports, to recreate a 3D view, with my 3D objects (houses, castles, ...). Is it possible to get JSON files on other generators than MFCG ?

- i am interested to "inject" parameters to generators, for instance, houses density, or numbers, or forest density, ... ?

Thanks in advance for your replies.

I say it again : very very great jobs.

PS : I add a third question : I thought I can re-use the URL generated, and change some parameters (walls=0/1, ...), and add export=svg ou export=json to the URL (keeping the seed value). This did'nt work (Error 500). So, I think I have not very well understood the URL syntax/call ? How is it callable directly ?




  • Four of my generators support JSON export: MFCG, VG, NG and 1PDG. MFCG, VG and NG use the same type of JSON (with buildings, roads, tree etc.), but only MFCG accepts the export url parameter. 1PDG uses a different type of JSON and it also recognizes the export  parameter.
  • All of the Arcana generators can be parameterized via url variables, usually by requesting specific tags. For example this should give you an isolated densely built village of the default size.
  • Could you send me a link that gives you that error? Adding export=... should work.

Hi Watabou !

Thanks for your replies.

I am not sure to very well use MCFG URL and its parameters. In my browser, I call, it displays a generated city. If I add "?export=png" or "?export=json", I works, but I get a new city each time.

Same thing if I add "&wall=0" or "wall=1", I got a city with or without walls around the city, but city is regenerated. How can I stay on same city and test some variations by url ?

BTW, is there a list of URL options (wall,castle,...) in MFCG ?

I try the same thing on VG, but except export, which does not have any effect, I am able to get the same village (I suppose as long as I keep the same value in "seed" ?).

But the last point ("error"), I am not able to reproduce it today. My memory was I got a "500 internal error" on MFCG, when adding a "?export=XXX".

(All my tests have been done with Chrome, and most of the time confirm with Firefox).


There are two slightly different versions ( version and Arcana version) of each of the following generators: Perilous Shores, MFCG, NG, Procgen Mansion, VG, 1PDG. For example, for MFCG the web address of its version is and the web address of its Arcana version is Only the Arcana versions of the generators can access the address bar of your browser and pull parameters from there. You can't parameterize the version of a generator via a url, because on applications are run isolated (in an iframe). 

Here is the same city with and without a castle (note the castle parameter in the urls):



Thanks for your explanations !



I continue to discover and use CG and VG, and I am very happy with them.

I have a couple of questions or suggestions on them :

- in CG : i got sometimes some "triangular" houses. Is it possible to avoid that ? To have houses with at least 4 corners ?

- in CG, you can set the size of City and population with a "size" parameter. In VG, there is not such tag/parameter, it is more with width/height values. Is it possible to have a "size" parameter, and keep width/height for terrain size ? Or is it complicated ?

- Il see in earlier posts, that you thought about making "walls" in VG. I am interested in such feature. Still on you ToDoList ?


Developer (1 edit)
  • I don't feel like there are too many triangular buildings. They were a scourge of early versions of the generator, but now most of the buildings are more or less rectangular. Weird shapes still happen in difficult locations (e.g. around towers) and some of them get filtered out. I'm afraid more "aggressive" filtering will lead to noticeable holes in the pattern of buildings. You can try choosing Display mode: Complex to turn most triangular shapes into smaller "polyominoes".
  • I think that introducing an additional size parameter will make it more confusing. Also, it might cause a situation when a requested "village size" is too large for a requested "map size" (I guess the opposite is not a big problem). In addition to the map size, there are also population density tags sparse and dense which affect the number of buildings in the village (but not its area/radius).
  • Yes, palisades are still on my list. Actually, they will be the next big feature I'm going to try implementing in the village generator.


Thanks a lot for your replies. I'll test your suggestions for both CG and VG !