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I know the rating time is over, but this is one of the games on my list that I didn't get to play in time but I still wanted to leave a comment :)

First off wow, I love the visual style of this game! The geometry looks so cool and the verticality really breaks the space up and makes it seem more natural rather than a flat maze. Sound design was also excellent, I loved the ambient background track. Definitely worked well with the visuals to give an oppressive vibe to the dungeon.

The movement was implemented well, I just wish I could move a little bit faster.

I escaped before I saved all the cats, I didn't actually mean to but I should have realized when a door was leading off the map that it could have been an exit. I actually used a map to navigate, I think the minimap was a cool idea actually, it gave me enough information to locate myself but not enough that I was playing by staring at the minimap and it prompted me to explore and learn about the space.


Yes, I totally should have made a different looking exit door!  Thanks for the feedback :)