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Wow, cool game! Love the retro aesthetic you got with the graphics and sound (and even the gameplay). Will say, it def took me a minute to figure out what was going on since the asteroids didn't get in my peripheral for a hot minute.  It felt pretty slow at the beginning, which I think led to my confusion with what was going on.

I also experienced significant performance issues when starting the game. Doing things for the first time like grabbing power-ups, getting destroyed, and unlocking stuff would freeze my game for about 10 seconds then continue playing. 

Regardless, awesome stuff~!


Thanks! Yeah, the lag at the start I noticed too, but only in HTML5. Wasn’t able to figure out why that happened before the deadline. But it’s nice that you enjoyed the game!

re: lag I suspect it's from a long-standing issue with particle/shader compiling, most apparent in web builds.

I think for games with lots of particles, it calls for addressing it with some of the workarounds suggested in these threads/videos.

(I'm trying to track down if there is a solution implemented into Godot Engine, but I don't think there is yet)

Awesome! Gonna look into that :-)