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(1 edit)


So first off - this is brilliantly scary. THe limited field of vision, the core concepts, the many questsions it asks, the scares themselves... all of it great.

However, while I was aware this was an escape room, there are a few things that made the puzzle a bit more obtuse than I would have liked. It can be difficult to determine the order in which to pick the drawings, especially since the parts of the symbol only disappear when you try to open the door - which the game really gives you no indication you CAN do until you've erased the whole pentagram. It didn't even occur to me to try until a second playthrough.

I am also fairly sure there was one run where the ghost attacked me in literally less than half the time than any of the others. Wether this is a bug or something I triggered, I dunno, but having to go through the first few triggered scares every time you wanna retry very quickly turns excellent spooks into an unberaable chore, with the fear coming more from the notion of having to do it all again than of the ghost.

Still, do not get me wrong - I LOVE this game and the core idea and everything. I just felt incredibly frustrated by the end)

Thank so much for playing, and for the entertaining video--and the constructive notes you provided on how the game may have been improved.  It was fun watching you figure out the main puzzle!  Liked/subbed.  We appreciate the time and thought you put into this response and, for what it's worth, agree with your suggestions.