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...okay, the in game music caught me off guard and immediately got a good laugh from me.

After that, the writing was alright enough I had a good enough time with it.

Admittedly it felt like it was trying to bank slightly too much overall on "isn't it weird that it's a dating sim with frogs?", but don't get me wrong, there's charm to the writing other than that, there's some good jokes sometimes, there's a few characters here that are fairly charming. Just, y'know, does hurt the originality score a little I suppose.

That being said, I'm definitely curious about where this may go in the future, consider me to be hopping on board the train to see where this thing goes.

...oh, and some of the text on the options screen and about screen and help screen (the text in white) is really hard to read by the way.

(Also, big surprise given my username: I think frogs are cute animals.)