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Absolutely fantastic job on infusing the game with such charm and humor, maintaining a fluent and folkloric style throughout. You've really captured the essence of the original content admirably. Just a small note, there's a tad bit of overuse of dialect-style language, and the inconsistency in terminology with "reality-fixing device" might pose a challenge for some players in solving puzzles. Nonetheless, it's a stellar effort! Please do visit my page to rate and comment on my entry as well. All feedbacks and comments are warmly welcomed with open arms! <3

(3 edits) (+1)

嘿嘿,感谢指正。Reality-fixing device我一开始用了现实修复器,后来改成时空修复器,最后又改成现实修复器(Cue 神探夏洛克里的莫娘: I'm soooo changeable...),结果忘了替换游戏后段的术语了。至于方言嘛,其实想实验一下(我本来还有个全译成杭州话的版本……结果好多字显示不出来),看来大家还是更接受比较标准的用词,受教啦~