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(1 edit)

I don't what I've done but I have succeeded in getting the demo to glitch:
she takes damage but there comes a point where she becomes invincible and the milk gauge no longer shows at the bottom of the screen... Ghosts just approach her, they die, and she automatically collects the milk... (Yes, I did get her "serviced" by the ghost. Maybe that helps cause the glitch?)

Beyond that, questions:

  • What is the half-orb at the top right of the screen?
  • What are the "+30% screen" and "+1 screen" upgrades for?
  • I presume her chest size is limited in the demo?

In the demo I didn't have a death state done yet, so death is just in the full version.

  • The half orb at the top right is the amount of wisps that are coming in to attack you, yellow means under 10, red is over 10 and 4x spawn rate and black is over 100 with 40x spawn rate
  • The 30% screen is the fire rate of the screen attack (that single ball that flings out forward) while the +1 screen is the amount of balls you fire forward.
  • And you would be correct about the chest size limit, I think its like 1.25 or something in the demo.