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I don't have any aprticular limit to side scenes, I guess as long as there's less of them than there are Legendarys in the region then that's fine
I'm mostly relegating them with the idea that only iconic (or commonly R34'd) Mons will get side scenes

I suppose I could try and do a mini update when Sinnoh is half done to help bridge the gap
I'll have to block off the stuff I didn't do yet so nobody gets stuck in an empty page

(1 edit)

Do you mean like adding the finished half of Sinnoh or adding in side scenes?  Im not sure what you mean by needing to block off stuff. I kind of like how the regions drop as one big package but perhaps this is me just showing my lack of knowledge in developing a twine/html game


Adding the half finished Sinnoh, just adding in the side scenes wouldn't be much of an update since there'd only be a handful of them
I'd have to lock off chapter 4 and remove a lot of images from the files to make sure none of the chapter 4 images are left in
It would be easier to just do a half-update and close off the links to Legends/Humans that I haven't written yet
It would give more content too since it would be 5 (maybe) Mons/Mans along with any side scenes I'll have written by then

Alright, I get that I did see some images in the download versions gallery clearly meant for future updates. Maybe you should poll other people on if they think this method for updates is better or not.