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A member registered Jan 24, 2022 · View creator page →

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They're... not looking great, I ended up basically making a trio of cats with colorful haircuts

To be honest, the Lake Trio are among my LEAST favorite legends in the whole series, but I'm still gonna try and make them good if I can

I was planning to make reference to the heartswap but I forgot if I did or not...
It'll get used at some point though

business is done and I'm back to work!

I just spent the morning generating images for the Lake Trio

Manaphy has already been written, but thanks for the suggestion anyway.

That would make sense, I'll have to leave it on the main screen for Sinnoh so it can't be missed

Slowly, real life is pretty busy for me right now

Darkrai is misunderstood in my world, everyone thinks she's secretly just a lonely soul looking for friends, actually she's just a jerk!

Giritina has issues, not just mommy ones

I think I'll call it 4.1 and then 4.2 for the full chapter

I might do the rewriting for this update, it's not a set plan yet.

I won't be putting Leaf in, unless she goes in as a side scene at some point

She is a lttle cutie, but I think MewTWO is still my favourite 

Speaking of which, I need to go back and rewrite her chapter 1 stuff to make it better, it's still pretty rough

Okay, I don't want to give too much away for a chapter I'm not even working on yet, but I will answer ONE of your predictions.

Cynthia WILL return for another round.

I'm just finishing Shaymin and Gardenia, it's been a little slow thanks to some distractions, after that I'll probably get to work on the Lake Guardians and Dawn

I don't think Itch does DMs, at least not as far as I know.

I'm steadily figuring out plans for Gen 6, but I'll take your suggestions into consideration, maybe they'll help me if I get stuck somewhere

I mean, that was kind of the point

Understanding her was always meant to be tricky

(1 edit)

Yeah, Mewtwo's backstory always seemed pretty rough, anybody would have issues after that!

Darkrai won't be the same but Giritina... you'll have to wait and see

Nope, I'm sticking to Itch

It'll have to be something like that, I've got plenty of time to figure it out though

I want to keep to just the regions from the main games, but I have now fully figured out my Shadow Lugia plan!

If you do the right thing to unlock her, she'll turn up on the ship at the end of Chapter 4 (When I get as far as writing that part anyway)

I... actually forgot those scientist girls were a thing.

I already have a whole load of Humans for Gen 6 but now I want to try and add them in anyway!

Yeah Gen 6 is going to be... fun

I don't think I planned that far ahead in my notes, maybe I'll tie the extra humans to optional mons from previous chapters or even to previous humans if I have to

I've got an idea to work her in, just need to figure out where to put her

1. Thanks, glad you're enjoying it! 

2. I've almost done 3 of each, currently working on Shaymin and Gardenia.

3. Probably not until June, I'll be splitting chapter 4 into 2 parts, so I can get the next update out quicker instead of making you guys wait forever.

4. Hope it'll be worth the wait!

I get what you mean, I don't like the idea of people making money on AI art since it is stealing from other artists, but my game is free so it doesn't seem like a problem to me.

The main reason I don't use fanart is because I might not be able to find images that fit what I want, but I can use the AI to make things like a Hyper-Pregnant Zapdos or a Cumflated Whitney.

I think i said this on the other comment about this

Seeing my work turning up in other places must mean it's good enough to be shared around, so I think it's pretty cool!

I'll stick with what I've got for now,  it's free, fast, unlimited, and FREE!

Even if the quality isn't always that great, I can just generate over and over until I get something good

I'd say the ones you mentioned would make sense to go futa

Im sure I can come up with something for gens 6 and 7

I've actually already written Manaphys section now, but I appreciate the input anyway

I've laid in on pretty heavy that she's fully grown as soon as she hatches, I tried to make it as clear as I could

I'll be pretty busy in the real world from about the 15th to the 20th
But I should still be able to check in on the comments once a day

I don't have much of a plan going forward for who can be a futa, I'd prefer to keep it to Subs or Myths instead of the Main Legends, I might try and fit one in per chapter/generation
The only plan I have for sure right now, other than Heatran, is Glacier and Spectrier, but that needs me to get as far as Gen 8

I hadn't caught those but now they're fixed!

According to my analytics, PokeBreeder has had 193k visits here on Itch

PGH now says 98k, but I have no clue if that's accurate or not

1. Shaymin

2. I'll give you a hint "Did you know..."

3. I might leave Heatran until the second half, the Lake Guardians might be getting put together but there's still three of them, I'd rather get that extra work done sooner

There's only so many color options in Twine
(unless I start using those color code things, but why type FFC0CB when I can type PINK)

I've been trying to avoid the darker blues for that exact reason, I'll see if I can make them a little brighter but I won't promise anything.

I'm fine with my work being shared, kinda freaked out by the depression/suicide conversation going on in the comments over there...

I try not to give estimates in case I end up getting delayed, but I will say that the next update probably won't come out until June.

I there's going to be about a whole week in May where I won't be able to work on it at all

I was planning to do a difficult quiz, but I like the idea of her having a quiz AND a battle, she is supposed to be GOD so it would make sense if it was harder to get her

But there won't be a second chance outside of save scumming

(1 edit)

Im going by what Serebii says (I think I made a joke about that early on in the game)

So they're counted as Subs, main Legends are mostly the ones on the game boxes

Also I'm putting the Lake Guardians together since they're so freaking identical that I don't see any point in separating them!

Part 1 is going to be the Sub Legends and Mythicals (except one)

Part 2 will be the Main Legends and the remaining Myth, along with the ship section afterwards

Both updates will include extra side scenes too

I'm pretty sure the Regis don't have big ol' tiddies in the games/anime either

There's going to be differences in what's canon and what I write
It's unavoidable

I think that was me adding the Forms question to the FAQs
I didn't realize that Itch would count that as an update

Okay, lets see what kind of answers I can make up here!

1. MC is absolutely an unashamed pervert, but is self aware enough to realize when and where he should let that side of him show, people usually see him as being a fairly normal (if slightly eccentric) guy, that's before they get to know him anyway.

2. I don't know if I'd call the MC blunt, he can use tact when he has to, it's just that most parts of his adventure don't call for it, so he finds being straightforward easier.

3. Maple and the MC live in the same small town (think Pallet Town but slightly bigger), it's the sort of place where everyone knows everyone, so Maple and MC's Mom would probably know each-other, but they wouldn't be exceptionally close.

4. Maple is pretty reclusive when she's focused on her work, before the events of the game, MC only really knew her as "The hot scientist who lives nearby", it doesn't help that MC usually only pays attention to T&A so wouldn't have bothered learning about her home life.

5. MC like to act like a scientist and does genuinely believe in Maple's cause, but there's no hiding the fact that he's in this for the thrills, both in the adventure and in the bedroom, Maple considers him an Asset (and lover if you boned her), not a researcher.

The update is going fine, I think I'll go through with the plan to release it in two halves.
Half of Sinnoh will actually be as much content as the game had on its initial release, plus that will cut down on the wait for you guys!

Yep, one of the planned characters will have UB

Next update is steadily getting done, I've finished 2 Mons and their matching Humans, added a handful of side scenes too!