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Many thanks for the feedback.

You are right on most points, however I would like to say that the WebGL version is by far the most buggy, I even deleted it a little while ago. The game is made to be played with a controller, there is even vibration on the Windows version.

As far as the camera is concerned, I returned to something more conventional since in the first versions it was a dinamyque camera which moved away with the speed with the effect that you mentioned in terms of the delay compared to at the corner of the car. But after testing it on a smaller PC than mine, I noticed that this camera was not reliable with non-constant framerates, so I'm doing without it for the moment. Furthermore, with this dynamic camera it was more difficult for me to offer several views.

For the combat mode on the WebGL version it comes back to what I wrote above, the fact that this version is buggy.

I'm even thinking of deleting it again or leaving only the beginning tracklist so that at least people can get an idea of the game in motion.

Thank you again for your feedback.