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the sound effects made me happy today, everytime I shoot I laugh a bit

wow this is really hard, although it is very satisfying to kill another piranha, not only due to the sound effect but also because if feels really high stakes, a touch of them and you die .... maybe adding some health system would be good so I could stay longer feeling like I am an awesome shotgun shooter.

(1 edit) (+1)

thank you so much for the appreciation 😭😭 i feel really happy reading ur comment, as i never expected and imagine someone would actually find and play my game, and also felt happy playing it, as this is my very first game and gamejam experience,,  your comment really made my day, as rn i got overflowing with happiness and dopamine 😭😭 it really motivates me to learn game devlopment more, so that i can learn how to add another game mechanic like u requested, as soon as i can get back to my laptop, icant wait to play ur game and leaves a comment there also

Im glad u like the sound effect, as that sound effect is really just my own voices 😆