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Great game! It's fun, feels like a real game, and the art and sound for each level is very fitting.

Some suggestions I have:

- it's possible to get stuck (i.e. you go the wrong way to a dead end) in the first two levels and be forced to restart, which can be frustrating. I think it would be helpful to either have more indication of which way to go, or make it possible to get to the next destination from multiple directions.

- On the sewer level, the obstacles currently spawn randomly, and it's frustrating if you die several times. It would be helpful if the obstacles always spawned in the same order, so you can get better by memorizing the order if you die multiple times.

Overall though, I enjoyed playing this!

Thanks for playing, I do get your frustration I think I made more of a rage game haha.

Tho thinking of it now I may had to go more to a cozy game and just gave you the way. Tho I wanted to give a litte puzzle/just go with it type of game like getting over it haha! And yea the sewer level was kinda brute forced it cause I didn't had much time but a not random generated level would have been better! 

Thanks for your feedback!