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Sorry to hear you couldn't finish it man, that bug I only figured out after the jam, I certainly never intended to make the "game" unbeatable. I'll try to put out a patch (if that's allowed for the jam) if I get time, my new job I started has a 9/80 schedule so my evenings have been thin on time. 

I haven't encountered the chaingun ammo disappearing or issues with the restart button before so I'll look into those as well, if you have any more details on those two it would be much appreciated.

In any case I'm happy you and everyone else so far has loved the intro as much as I have, thanks man!

Deleted 1 year ago

Thanks man, I'm glad you liked it!

Man I didn't think that much ammo was needed to beat the druglord now that I fixed the weapon switching bug, I guess I still need to refine my balancing skills (though for this jam quality wasn't much of a goal anyways).

It's funny you mention leaving everyone unharmed though, I originally had it set up that you pick up the pistol in the level itself instead of on spawn with a plan to give a secret ending if the player didn't kill anyone. But sadly much like any secret rooms or easter eggs I had planned got cut due to losing a day, though I have already started putting them in episode 2.

Deleted 1 year ago

Should say that the new patched has fixed the issue, and it works absolutely fine now. Great ending, very well done!

Good, I'm glad you made it to the end this time man, thanks!