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Thanks for the really great feedback!

I’d be very interested in knowing what made it look intimidating. Was it the party selection? Or the Pre-fight? Or something else. And if you have any idea of what might make it less so.

I was planning to not need mouse interactions while exploring at all and have an “Press [Space] to Heal” or similar show up inside the portal room when facing the slugs. I guess that would have helped. It should probably be made clearer that it comes at a cost. At least after first time.

And third level was the last! I really should have done some narration after each level started to hint towards this. My initial idea was of course that each level should be and feel different too…

Again thanks for great feedback. It has added a lot to my post-jam refinement list.


The intimidating part I meant was just that the gigantic list of characters you got to choose from and the list of them in your party tab has so much info in it. So not intimidating in any other sense.
Yeah I guess three is the charm for level count. I guess it has a bit of the same issue as my game, it is slightly to large scoped as a jam entry. With 170 games to play jammers might lose interest before reaching the end, missing that great content... I kinda expected it to end after reaching the end of the first level and maybe after a small bossfight at that point, but I kept going thinking it was two levels. And yeah the levels looked so similar I couldnt tell them apart and therefor assumed it could be infinite.

Keep on the good work!


I checked the timestamps for me downloading and rating your game. It took me exactly an hour until I abandoned the game. Hope this helps.


Thanks again for all the useful feedback! I’ll consider it all when planning the post jam version.