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First of all, thanks for this excellent work! Your tilesets are consistently complete and of high quality.

I'm having trouble finding an importing method for the sprite sheets with all character animations in Unity. I imagined finding a tool that breaks down the sprite sheet into separate animations using the .json file would have been easier, but maybe my google-fu is lacking.

Can you (or anyone, really) point me towards a tool to accomplish this? I would really prefer not writing custom importing scripts.

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First of all, thanks for the kind words.

Second, I know next to nothing about Unity, so sadly I cannot help much : (

Deleted 176 days ago
(2 edits)

I often use LÖVE which I enjoy very much.

btw, why would you need to split animations using the .json file? Frames are also provided as separate files (which from my understanding is what Unity wants)

You should go watch tutorials on Learn Unity, if you haven't already. There are many tutorials for what you need. Unity uses Animation & Animator to make stuff like this.