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Very engaging and fun combat system which forces you to think tactically. Good variety of enemies with different behaviours. Incorporating Metroidvania mechanics to the game is a nice idea and made the gameplay much more compelling together with combat system. 

Visual side of the game is not as strong as the gameplay in my opinion. It doesn't look bad in anyway. It kinda feels like you play a Dungeon Crawler mode of Minecraft. I don't know if you made them yourself but enemy sprites look pretty good. Problem is sprite enemies don't look very consistent with the 3D environment. Background music is very nice and relaxing. 

Btw is there an ending for the game i reached a peak where sign says there's another peak go to beginning. I went there and climbed the highest point with the flying boots but nothing happened afterwards.

Best game in the jam that i've played so far. I gave it 4 stars, Broke one star bcs this is not exactly my kind of dungeon drawler especially aesthetically. This is more like as if Nintendo made a family friendly dungeon crawler :) Great job and good luck!


Thanks for your detailed feedback! :)
There is an ending for the game, it requires making a "leap of faith" . If you return to where you first spawned, there is a very long bridge you can only find by using Jump. If you Dash off the end of that bridge, you will make it to the final level.

(1 edit)

Oh i was wondering why there was a bridge not leading to anywhere so that's the purpose of it :))


I did the art, game design, and level design.  I'm usually a programmer, but I left that to Dan because he's better at it than I am, so I really appreciate the comments on the visuals.  I'll see if I can make the environment fit the sprites better.  Thanks for the great feedback!