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Cool school kid here, I played your game and i got one word for it.. LOL!! Its good that you took the game jam with a stress free attitude, or that's how it looks, trust me i know how stressful it can be. Now, the game doesn't fit the jam theme, i get that you guys tried this get to the bottom of the truth thing, but i don't think it has anything to do with lying and deception, its just a funny detective kinda game. The jump mechanic feels weird, its like your flying.  The milk carton throwing thing gives the game a different kind of UMPH and it actually feels really good and smooth.  Tbh i really liked this game, even tho it doesn't really fit the jam. Kudos guys, did a very good job in just one week!

Thanks. I think the theme fits better if we finished it

Lol np! :)