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Hey! Thanks for the review!

Here's some tips for tiling and portraits: 

With tiling, there are two options that do different things. The "Tile X direction" and "Tile Y direction" can be made visible by toggling "Show advanced options", these settings mathematically force the image to tile. This can be great when you need something to tile that normally wouldn't, but its also very heavy handed and can make weird stuff.
The second option is to enable the "Tiling" modifier. This is a specialized image generator that has been trained on tiling textures, stuff like Minecraft blocks. It works best at 16x16 or 32x32.

For portraits, typically putting something like "A close up portrait of ___" or "A headshot of ___" will do the trick. For example here is "A close up portrait of a fox monk" with all other settings at default values:

On speed and CPU usage:

AI image creation is actually one of the most complex tasks computers can do, when you boil it down, its essentially solving differential equations with billions of inputs and outputs. Way more demanding than any AAA game, or even most 3D rendering software, even for small pixel art images. This is why the compatibility section is so strict.

We've managed to get the requirements down to a 4GB GPU, which is pretty impressive given the size of the models and the complexity of the computations. You can find system requirements and some benchmark data above on the main page.

Again thanks for the review, and I hope it helps people with the decision to buy or not!


Thanks for the feedback, some very useful info. And it's a fascinating thing on the CPU usage, it makes a lot of sense given the nature of AI. Keep up the great work. :)