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(1 edit) (+1)

Hi, thanks a lot for this detailed explanation, I really love to see all the backstage stuff going on. I started studying programming like a year and a half ago, right after I finished high school, and I think I made a lot of progress. It was quite a struggle at the beginning as I didn't know a single thing about coding, but eventually got the hang of it. I also picked up blender on my own and learned how to do 3D models, UV unwrapping and texturing. My gf is studying to become a concept artist so she taught me some photoshop tips and I got quite comfortable at using it too, I also used to draw quite a bit as a kid, so it wasn't that difficult actually. Now I bought a course that teaches some music composition basics, as I want so bad to make my own tracks, but lately I've been very busy with school and stuff so I really couldn't start the lessons. It's been a really long year (and a half almost), but I've come quite far I think. Your comment really helps me keeping the focus and makes me want to do better, not because I envy you but because I admire all of your work and skills, and it pushes me further. Thank you so much for it again. You did a lot of work, you are really talented and all of your hard work shows off in what you do. Good luck with it, keep it up! <3333

PS: Sorry for the outburst :3

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Thank you! Your game was also great! Nice art and ambience! Believe me, when I started programming it took me years to even get to do game programming. You are doing awesome, keep up the good work!
