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Ok, This was actually a good game man. although, the platformer part of the game was pretty decent, it was interacting with the narrator that made the game.

If it's ok with you, can you try my game out? as well as teaching me how to make the dialogue system, and how to disable the player's movement or interactivity, like you've done in this game?


Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed it!

Just tried your game out and going to rate it right now (and comment about it in your entry's comments!)

Because of college and the fact that I have a big game to make there (with 3 other team members), I don't really have the time to teach properly. Though, I can write a wall of text here if you want. ;)

What I can say is that my dialogue system needed to do much more than just display text. The big thing with mine is that I used two arrays (one of strings, one of AudioClips) to display the text and play the voice lines in sync. I then read if the audio clip ended and if the text finished displaying to start the next lines.

I have 3 types of dialogue: When the level is loaded, when the player dies for the first time and an array of miscellaneous lines (those can be triggered by ID from different scripts.)

For the events that happen during the dialogue (like enabling player controls, stopping the music and changing where the doors lead) I used the UnityEvent system. That let's me do events like the ones you can create for buttons, but custom and with complete control on when they trigger.

Again, they are stored in different arrays: One when the level is loaded, one when the player dies for the first time and one for each extra dialogue in the miscellaneous lines array. The events trigger depending on which line is currently playing.

I confirm that this is not at all optimized, but achieving a system like this that let's me do levels (relatively) super easily in 2 days is a huge step for me (especially knowing that I never played with UnityEvents and delegate events before!)

I've recorded all 7 days of the jam my process on making this game. I plan to release a video on that at one point on my YouTube channel! Hopefully soon, but no promises because... erm... college.

Thank you for taking your time to teach me man. I'm gonna try it out on my own time~ wait... You recorded the process of making your game? Extra YouTube content, baby!

But I get it, college. I can wait. While I wait, I'm gonna start making a video about the process of making my game.