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Really nice first jam game! Interesting mechanics, it felt kind of minigolf with extra twist. The last level was quite tricky, but I finally got through it :D Maybe there is a story behind using those graphics but in my opinion top-down perspective with simpler art style would also work well with this kind of game :) Also adding sounds/music would be great like Dev Mung already mentioned. 


Thank you, I appreciate the feedback!
My skills lie in the programming department so making art myself would've taken me far too long to have been able to do in the 3 hour time limit, so I grabbed some stuff that others on itch had put up for free.

Doing top down is actually a very good idea lol


I understand. By simpler graphics I meant that the game could have a solid color background and the assets could just be flat shapes of different colors. It's very quick to do and takes just as much time as using a free assets. By using abstract simple shapes gives to the player more room for imagination. Here's a nice site for different color palettes to quickly pick compatible colors for your games Hope this helps with graphics :)