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I realise you might have brushed up against the deadline, but this chapter gave me a lot of Locomotivation! Heh, and I also agree. Something kinda classical about mysteries and trains, right..? 

First off, I think chapter 28 was the funniest chapter I've read, in a sea of chapters that've had me in stitches. There was so much going on, too, and I liked a lot of the little set building - seeing some of the hints from earlier get called back means I'll need to replay the game, or at the very least, the GMs' segments.  You also put a lot of work into the backgrounds, I can tell; I especially liked the station. Glad things seem to be working out on that front!

While we all need money for the spirits, I hope the spirits - like a train, or perhaps an oreo - keep chugging along for you.  And of course, when every character's been introduced, you can always add more to prior interviews; I check back on them, force of habit. In closing, though, great update - and looking forward to what comes next!


There will definitely come a point where all the characters have been introduced, but it won't be for a while — when I add a new question I'll definitely mention it so you don't have to keep checking :) 

As far as where it's going next — some of my favorite characters are introduced the "Stage Three" arc so I'm pretty excited. :)