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(1 edit) (+1)

Yesterday I downloaded the game demo, it's quite nice even though it's not a genre I'm into, but oh well. I was wondering about a few things, though. Does this demo get updated by any chance? Because I noticed that the translation into my language (Italian) is a bit off, and in some places, a translation is missing (Orc village), which was probably done through Google Translate or other similar programs. Nonetheless, I can still read it without too many problems. Additionally, I strongly suggest adding more save zones besides just the automatic save or in the menu. Not to mention that I often don't understand who is speaking; I would also include the names of characters to make the conversation smoother. I hope my feedback doesn't offend anyone. The game is promising, and I might consider purchasing it, but I prefer to wait until it's fully complete, honestly. Right now, I'm playing the demo and seeing how far I can go. Even though I don't like buying games online, I'll see. Keep it up; you're doing great.

I apologize for my English; I'm Italian...

Thank you for the response and good job!


Thanks foe the feedback.

I might update the demo if there is enough qol changes that I think make a significant difference.

The paid version has the most content and many more features absent from the demo. Unfortunately your right, it is mostly Machine translated. I tried to make the color of text change with the character, or use the right portrait.