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I need more context to help you. Maybe send a screenshot?


The bath area in the Temple of Polkopola. The game won't let me leave the temple or go the the bottom level without her. I've talked to everyone, paid to use the facilities, and walked around and waited, but nothing's happening. *shrug*


You need to talk to the Neko that’s in the bottom right of the changing rooms. Took me about 10 minutes of searching to find her, so hope this helps.

Ooh! lol Thanks! I could have sworn I talked to everyone. o-o

By the way, have you figured out how to access magics from the trickster god? I think he said you had to talk to the chief of the village, but she just keeps saying the same things with no new dialogue.

the popoloka god or something?

Yeah him.


It's actually not ready yet