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That’s a cool implementation. I haven’t actually tried placing them on top of each other like that.

For updating the flags you’ll actually want to use Foundry’s setFlag() function. This is present on the document object of the tile.

Here is an example:

canvas.tiles.get("id of tile").document.setFlag("terminal", "enabled", false)

Let me know if that works better.

I am eventually adding a feature to open other Terminals. It’s good to hear there will be some demand for that.

Hey, with your advice and a *little* help from the foundry discord I got it working to the point where I can even switch on a terminal in another scene:

const tile1 = game.scenes.get("other scene ID").tiles.get("tile ID");

const state1 = tile1.getFlag("terminal", "enabled") ?? false;

await tile1.setFlag("terminal", "enabled", !state1);

Using it again turns the remote terminal back off.

Thanks for your help, I love this little module! My Alien games are about to get much more interesting.