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(1 edit) (+1)

omg, everything about this was incredible! your art is so good!!! no joke, after i saw the timelapse title screen i immediately closed and reopened the game because i wanted to see it again xd. the characters, the backdrops, the visual effects, the colors, even the UI all exude so much charm and personality while aiding to the overall unsettling nature of the circumstances your in, its fantastic! the visual presentation of this game reminds me of a blend of "Milk Inside/Outside of a Bag of Milk" and "Your Turn to Die", but still has this strong sense of confidence in its identity through some of the fun artistic quirks with how it presents its scenes (there are a lot of good ones to list out in my mind, but i think the preview gifs are a good example of what i mean). the audio and music also really do a good job at bringing life to the scenes, really good job here!

i was also really invested in the story! i always love a good existential thriller narrative with a large cast of quirky characters. the way the writing and the dialogue is handled is so endearing and was fun to read, really enjoyed getting to know each of the characters in the game. i love how much of presence the father has in the story without ever really being in it really, the way that his influence sticks onto the characters really elevates the eeriness of the situation!

i thoroughly enjoyed this a lot, one of my favorite entries in the jam rn! hope you consider continuing this after the jam cuz im dying to no more xd, great work!


Thank you so much for your comments! They really inspire me! If I was able to call to one of my favorite VN's Milk Inside a bag of milk and outside a bag of milk then I feel like I have already accomplished a lot, because they are some of my main inspirations for most of my games. 

I am definitely hoping to continue and expand on the story since I had a lot of ideas I was not able to really carry through due to the time constraints, but I really hope i'm able to bring them to life in a more extended version. 

I am so happy I was able to become one of your fave's! I really enjoyed your game so im super excited we can all share as creators!