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IMO this is mostly a garbage take - but you have a point with Cornwall knowing Lin.

I'll be very surprised if there is a decent explanation for why they arent just arrested immediately. 


You don't have to agree with me, that's fine.

Like I said, the story just seems to get pushed along at an unnatural pace once Vanessa is introduced, perhaps she appeared later for me based on my progression with the other girls, although I tried to do them as evenly as possible without spoilers. But I would rather see her character get fleshed out or have her attitude towards you change based on choices made earlier in the story. Maybe by having some scenes with her the first time you meet Cornwall at the rally or at the beach auctions which could have an impact on her opinion of the PC once you meet at the university.

Even Nia gets more pushback about the things she says about the PC than Vanessa, and Nia isn't nearly as insufferable or abrasive.  My biggest issue is that Vanessa just lays out the entire plot in such a boring, unnecessary way. I mean, you've already learned more about the Elves and the rebellions, the church, the government, and Nero Inc than she knows when you meet her. The podcast is another major plot hole, surely it would be monitored by the government since she's always speaking out against them and broadcasting from a major University, and once Nia makes her appearance on the podcast, then it would definitely be monitored.

I don't know, she just comes across as a major liability that puts everything you've been working for in jeopardy without being even remotely likable while never really addressing the shortcomings of her own personality.