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(1 edit)

Very cool, pretty well put together! I love the graphics style, pixelated 3D is something I really think looks cool, and it's not simple to make look good given how low resolution tends to mess up the details on the models, but everything in this game looked crisp, good job! My main critique would be the movement system, I didn't see the game losing anything by just allowing the player to move freely through the environment, there were some spots where left/right cycled between some targets that weren't exactly to the left or to the right of where you clicked, sometimes we spun around 180 degrees when from one side but 90 to the other, it just felt a little disorienting. It isn't a big deal for your game in particular, it's not like we had any mechanic that required any precise movement. Oh yeah, on the password part I typed it in but I didn't knew I had to press the empty button as like a "confirm" button, I just thought I put in the wrong password and tried going back up to check on the password again but the elevator wouldn't take me back up. Turns out the password was right, but if someone really does forget the password that could be a problem.

But yeah, other than that I think you nailed the atmosphere and polish. No glitches, cool story, very well executed art style and for a game jam game that's really all that matters. Great job, thanks for making this cool game!

Thank you for the kind words! About the movement, I'd have to agree with you. There is no real reason for it to be point and click, I'm experimenting with my own unique style and thought to give this a try, I wanted to replicate the vibe of the old point and click puzzle adventure games like Myst and Riven, but I guess the spark disappears when there is not much to explore, I wish I had more time creating more of an environment the player is free to explore in, instead of it being a linear path like it currently is. The left/right look bug is annoying and can be quite confusing, I have to implement some kind of system that forces it to rotate in the direction you click, but I didn't have time to implement that in the jam. Anyway, thanks for the comment and your feedback!