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(1 edit)

Cool game! I am not exactly sure how card score is determined, or what cards I am getting round to round, But things became clearer when I read the instructions. 

The gameplay is nice. I think. I couldn't experience too much of it because I got stuck pretty early on. Which makes me hesitate to rate this game, since I don't know it that well.


It seems like it is possible to tear cards in this game. The instruction just state that it is done "with a mouse", unfortunately I have no idea how to do it. Oh well.

Is there a reason why we can't take the played cards off the fields? 

Unfortunately, I got stuck on place where we need a card with "a broken heart". No combination of cards would let me through. I am not sure if this is intended or not. But if it is it would be nice to have a "start again" button. I think I was missing an Ace of Hearts, but never got it.

Hey thanks for trying the game! Sorry it was never explicitly explained in the game, but tearing cards is possible by dragging from the top corners of the cards. To pass with a broken heart, you need to play torn cards with at least 2 half hearts. 

Regarding the played cards on the field, once you play it, it is confirmed, so you can't take it back.