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(1 edit)

Congratulations, you mistake writing a book as intelligence. My lack of more complex words doesn't mean anything, I'd just rather not waste my time straining my brain on someone who's willing to deny the fact that they're a weirdo. Yes, I'm accusing you because you keep claiming it's made for kids, and of course it comes full circle because you continue to either misunderstand what I'm saying or are so unwilling to accept the truth. Someone who flaunts their "intelligence" or "IQ" really are just idiots who lack social awareness, and it quite honestly seems like a sign of insecurity. Once again, I don't understand why you're circling back to compare the characters in the series to real life high schoolers. Especially when I've been talking about people below the age of 17. I am religious, but there are things I find wrong about religion so I follow my own path. I don't have anything against anyone here who wants to enjoy themselves, as long as they're of legal age like ourselves. I also believe the same applies to the anime or manga. It's not made for horny ... I'm not going to say that because that's just gross. It's made for horny adults, saying horny this way feels weird but oh well here we are. Before I write an entire book, I'll stop here, I'm sure you'll find a way to beat around the bush on your original claim like you have been.

I'm bored of this dialogue with a deaf individual therefore this will be my last answer to you then I will ignore you because your replies don't bring anything to the discussion since all that you do is camping on your positions with a closed-mind unwilling to actually listen to what people have to say, only repeating the exact same unevolving speech again and again like a broken record which is boring to listen to and projecting your own insecurities on people as if you were arguing with yourself more than with them which doesn't require anyone but yourself to argue with yourself and I am unwilling to serve as your mirror because that is boring since you don't actually listen to what I say since you are more focused on arguing with yourself using me as a mirror to project your own insecurities on therefore this will be my last participation to this monologue of yours.

Did I mention anything about the length of my writings or complex words or my IQ? No I did not, they are your remarks, not mine, therefore replying to something that I did not even mention is futile, as I said, you are not actually replying to me but to yourself, you are monologuing and using me as a mirror to argue with yourself and I'm fed up of playing this boring role.

For example, you claim that "your lack of more complex words doesn't mean anything" but it obviously means something to you since you mention it on your own even though I did not, I only pointed out your misuse of words and lack of mastery of language because you put caps on the wrong words in your sentences, I actually didn't mention anything about using complex words, this is your own insecurity that you project on me as if I was the one to blame you for it even though I actually did not even mention it, it comes from you alone.

"I'd just rather not waste my time straining my brain on someone who's willing to deny the fact that they're a weirdo." This should be my line actually because you obviously are making me waste my time with your monologue and you feel insecure about the difference of level of intelligence that you perceive in our interactions while you are unwilling to actually listen to what I have to say and you enclose yourself into your own delusional beliefs, you even used the word "delirious" on me, once more, you project on me what you think of yourself.

"and of course it comes full circle because you continue to either misunderstand what I'm saying or are so unwilling to accept the truth." There you go, you reply to yourself while pretending to reply to me again, I don't actually need to reply anything to you other than making you remark that you already replied to yourself while pretending to reply to me, this "dialogue" has been a monologue from the start and I have been nothing but a mirror that you used to argue with yourself, you even mentioned a "lack of social awareness" which are your own words and that says it all, "and it quite honestly seems like a sign of insecurity" that you project on me, my point exactly.

"Especially when I've been talking about people below the age of 17." No, you have not, you actually mentioned "17 and older" but nothing about "below the age of 17" up until now.

You are religious, I deduced as much because it is a religious thing to rely on faith into delusional beliefs rather than on actual learning, understanding and knowledge, you demonstrated as much when you claimed that you don't care about the knowledge that you lacked and that I shared with you and you kept repeating your own beliefs again and again while rejecting new knowledge and evolving your perception.

I already stated that High School DxD is a shonen and not as a seinen and I already explained that shonen are japanese fictions destined to kids while seinen are japanese fictions destined to adults, therefore I already stated that High School DxD was designed as a shonen which means an anime for kids and I don't care that you deny this fact because it contradicts your own delusional beliefs, I don't have to add anything to this fact.

"I'm sure you'll find a way to beat around the bush on your original claim like you have been.", you mean like you have been doing from the start and as I already stated, I'm fed up of this boring monologue you have been having with yourself, I'm bored to play the role of your mirror and since you have been replying to yourself more than to me, you don't actually need me to continue, just keep replying to yourself as you have been doing without using me as a mirror to project on me what you think of yourself, I'm done with you anyway, farewell.

The accusation of being closed-minded and repetitious is subjective and lacks evidence. Instead of dismissing me as closed-minded, it's more constructive to address specific points of disagreement so we can seek common ground which I'm happy to do now, regardless of what I believe. 

Accusing me of projecting insecurities is a serious allegation. It's essential to provide concrete examples or evidence to support such claims rather than making blanket statements. 

If there's a genuine misunderstanding of each other's arguments, it's crucial we clarify and ensure mutual understanding rather than assuming the other party is intentionally misrepresenting viewpoints, which I claimed you may have done and apologize for that. 

Making assumptions about my religious beliefs without evidence is unfair and unproductive. It's best we focus on the substance of the discussion rather than making personal attacks.

The classification of "High School DxD" as shonen or seinen can be subjective and may vary depending on interpretation. Instead of asserting one's own classification as absolute truth, it's more productive we discuss the characteristics of the show and how they align with different demographic categories and this I understand now. 

If you feel the conversation is unproductive or frustrating, it's acceptable to disengage and I will politely do so as well.

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The classification of High School DxD as shounen is the official classification as stated by the original japanese publisher, you can verify it on any animes website, there is nothing subjective nor interpreted about it, this is not my personal classification, this is the official classification as stated by the original japanese publisher.

This is an anime about sex and yet nothing sexual ever actually happens even though the protagonist is a pervert surrounded by willing naked girls specifically because it was designed as a shounen meaning for kids and not for adults, hence why it does nothing but tease and blue-ball and why a fan-made adult version to relieve the frustration that it causes is needed, a fan-made adult version would not be needed if the original was designed for adults to begin with, hence here we are.

This is the difference between ecchi which are suggestive shounen and shoujo but don't contain any actual sexual content because they are destined to non-adult demographics and hentai which are actual porn seinen and josei destined to adult demographics.

Here are the official classifications as stated by japanese publishers:

shounen = for boys = non-adult male demographic

shoujo = for girls = non-adult female demographic

seinen = for men = adult male demographic

josei = for women = adult female demographic

Here are further explanations:

A relatively reliable way to figure out the demographic target of an anime is their protagonists' demographics as their protagonists usually represent their demographic target.

Indeed, shounen usually center around a boy while shoujo usually center around a girl while seinen usually center around a man and josei usually center around a woman.

Hyoudou Issei, High School DxD's protagonist, is a teenager boy, not an adult man, because High School DxD was designed as a shounen implying that it was destined to teenagers boys, not adults, which is why it is suggestive while not featuring any actual sexual content because it was made for kids and which is why a fan-made adult version is needed to relieve frustration after so much teasing and blue-balling denying what adults want.


I acknowledge your explanation, and understand the official classifications provided by Japanese publishers. I emphasize with your point that the protagonist's demographic aligns with the intended audience of the anime. The need for a fan-made adult version due to the teasing nature of the original for adult viewers. I appreciate the detailed breakdown provided in your message.