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I was a bit doubtful at first, but this is actually a complete adventure with several short level, boss and story progression.  I genuily had fun, thanks for the good time. The BGMs are nice (mention to Noriko's Theme - when piano go bruuhhh), but a bit of sfx would benefit the game though. Also, maybe it was just me, but I was not able to throw any item like the knife, only eating food. Also, serious question, why would a Magical Girl need to throw knifes, Axes and a Shovel to their enemies? =w=)'
On the downside though, the opaque backgrounds with very little pattern (there is rocks and water, but not enough maybe) is a bit hard on the eyes and make the navigation through the levels hard (hopefully there is arrow on the ground right?). For the last level before Noriko, I ended up crawling along the walls until I found the missing enemy.

Also I guess I would have become a gluten free miso soup...
"This game so bad man." xD


Thank you for playing and commenting!

There are a lot of touhou references in this game so if you wonder why knifes then maybe it will say something.

Thank you for saying about code things as I think it was the biggest project I have had in a while.
