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tried the demo and I can agree somewhat with what Raven commented on about 9 months ago and I find the main character annoying. not sure how Raven felt about it but I found him kind of stupid for the first chapter. chaos of getting captured okay being imprisoned in a different country yet can still find it in himself to bitch and complain like he doesn't really understand his situation. also felt annoyed at how easy it was to force him into things where I think I would get shocked was refusing to do sexual things since he has a history of it but nope and would be kind of common sense in a country ran by the other gender you shouldn't yell at your partner like a dumbass. I really wish he didn't hide the fact he was forced to do sexual things from his wife. regardless I'm interested enough to buy this game is it better to buy it on or steam?

Thank you for taking the time to comment. The idea was that the protagonist and his wife come from a normal functioning democratic country. So when Ashcroft admits that they are in fact just tourists, the protagonist assumes that the military will apologize, compensate them, and send them home. Hence the confrontational attitude. At that point, he hasn't fully realized the authoritarian nature of the country.

As for Steam vs. Itch, it's a matter of personal preference. Steam requires you to use a client application, and some people don't like that. But if you already use it, Steam is probably more convenient (automatic updates, achievements, etc.).