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Cute concept! I took the south claw, but big right claw has a cooler sounding name for some reason haha. I beat the game, and I think it's a pretty cool concept. The rate that the red crabs come in is probably a little too high. I never felt like I was in any trouble until right at the very end, when eating the blue ones hurt me, but then I won like two seconds later. I think with a little refinement this could be something really cool! 

I beat the game

Woah, hold up! You can only lose the game, all end states are failure states (running out of energy / becoming a mutant). When you say you "won" the game, what did you mean?


oh! I thought becoming a mutant won the game. The end prompt came up as I was clicking, so I didn't actually see what it said!

Thanks for the great feedback! I should definitely make that more clear in the post-jam update.
The game is intended to be an arcade-style game with endless runs, where you see how long you can go before losing. I want to add a nice scoring/stats system so players can measure how well they did each run.