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I've always felt that we need more edge in jam games. This was definitely filled to the brim with that, but not in a bad or try-hard way. It was mostly to the point that it was just schlocky fun lol.

None the less, even without that, I think this game's mechanics make for a very solid arcade game.

You can't just strike randomly, you have to be a little deliberate with how you attack to ensure that you don't hit too many people at once, else you can't get them the second time around before they leave the screen

And punishing a player by spawning police officers that bounce around the arena if a person escapes is a good way to incentivise playing strategically.

The presentation is sick ( in a good way ) and honestly felt pretty stylish in general.

Although I felt like the game could've spawned witnesses a little earlier. And that the game could've used a timer to incentivise you to go after another person instead of mostly waiting around. Though I guess the number of days in the score incentivise you to do that.

Honestly, I don't really have any complaints. This is a solid little game


Wow I appreciate the in-depth review, I'm glad to hear the edge is welcome hahah

As for the timer you mentioned, that's actually implemented already! When you return to the main menu you can choose the Hard mode  difficulty,  where you constantly need to be in a kill state or else you fail.


Dang, time to replay ig