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(1 edit)

While I see where you're coming from, it still has its issues. Let's take Voices of the Void for example: you spend most of the game afraid of the aliens, because at any moment, they could show up, and you know you can't outrun them, or hide from them if they spot you. However, by the time you realize they're harmless, it becomes less scary and more annoying to be interrupted by it. My point is, suspense and the feeling of helplessness against a superior enemy goes away.

Now copy paste this to most other entities in the game. The only threatening things in VotV are certain wisps, and the physics based damage system. Shadow people popping up is spooky the first time but loses its bite once you realize they too are harmless. Same with Anti-breather. I'd actually agree that adding something to defend yourself with would ruin things but with the caveat that the horror itself is already dull.

Also, the Alien builds up a tolerance to molotovs and the flamethrower if you use them too much, and will start testing the limits of it more and more as you do so, so not even the flamethrower keeps you safe for very long.

Well, that's what they keep adding content for: to keep the spooks fresh in new updates. I don't think it would be any more entertaining if we could defend ourselves against something is all. It would likely be the same scenario where, if you've seen all the horror, you've seen all the threats kind of thing. Either way, the horror wouldn't last long.

Why I bring all of this up is because I believe this is the direction the dev wants the game to go in, as evidenced by the tease of a rifle at one of the radars, and an alien gun that we can't quite use. I think they want us to feel helpless against the aliens. You see something like a tripod, and you really think we can defend against that? You know, that kind of thing. Perhaps against creatures like the Creepers, sure, but defense can only go so far, unless they add more in the future with the focus on said mechanics. 

(4 edits)

Feeling helpless and having a weapon is not mutually exclusive, like the other guy said the weapon's usefulness mainly depends on timing and resource management essentially and ammunition/effectiveness can be a source of fear in it's own. There could be certain horrors would be immune to kinetic or explosives and we would simply need to hide from them. Not everything needs to be solved by bullet, but having that option is always a positive. A boast to confidence in a game where the majority of the time you spend doing menial tasks and getting pranked would certainly help egg players into trying different approaches. Or they could simply get used to the one dimensional horror we have now and no longer really feel afraid anymore. Especially since there's nothing to lose currently. Who knows, having weapons could open an entire avenue of protecting friendly aliens or having climatic showdowns with that one cryptid that keeps eating your food.

Perhaps so. Defending the friendly aliens would be a cool idea. Though, considering we never truly see them, things would have to be really different in the future to reinforce such ideas. Possibly full on communication with the friendly aliens even, since they are trying to warn us of the coming threats anyway.

I've never been caught by any of the dangerous wisps, but the amount of times I've had the physics screw me over and murder me? I'd need at least ten more fingers and toes to count those occurrences out. There is no feeling of helplessness against the aliens because they're lacking in any danger, except maybe the golden wisp event, but that can be counteracted by Kerfur and keeping doors closed. They become an annoyance after an hour of dealing with them.

The game has worse problems than "guns would ruin the horror", and I kind of wish Nose would go back to understanding why people liked Signal Simulator in the first place.

I know my point wasn't exactly the best. Seeing new ideas would be cool. Forgive my ignorance, as I have not played Signal Simulator. Just saw a short video of somebody play it at most, but they came to this game because Signal Simulator never got updated.

The replayability of voices of the void, in my opinion, is at an average level, indeed, what you have already studied does not scare you, but the main problem is that many people dig into files, and then they blurt everything out and lose the idea "that there is some kind of entity or object around the corner that you do not know anything about" also many people will spoiler.