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The combat is top notch. What a shame, that to adhere to the theme, the developer decided to add keyboard guitar hero in the middle of the action. It's especially irritating, when there are ranged enemies right in behind a QTE. So, I'm expected to jump using W and D, hit the QTE, which tells me to press P (opposite side of the keyboard), while time stops for me, but not for the rectangle with the gun, who will shoot me as I'm reaching for the letter P.

The combat is so interesting, I want to steal it for a proper release. Why oh why did you decide to do the QTEs? Absolutely tanks the game for me.

Graphics are simplistic. Consistent but a little too basic to merit praise in my opinion. The weapons and sword slash are great, so it's sad to see every character be a primitive, in my opinion.

Audio has no music. The slash sounds great.

This would have been in my hall of fame for this game jam. Sadly, it isn't. Press P to pay respects.

Deleted 8 days ago

There is also some tips in the description. There is a way to take care of the enemies behind the QTE trigger first. You can either bait the sword enemies or deflect bullets. I hope you consider trying it again :)

Sorry man, I dislike QTEs at the best of times in AAA. Last games I remember enjoying QTEs are Shenmue 2 and Ninja Blade, by FROM. Those had all sorts of other systems in them and were logically set up. Yours has no other systems going along, and it's random.

This theme has produced a lot of dodgy decisions. Like I said, make a game without that mechanic and focus on adding other, interesting and pleasant stuff, and you can count on selling me a copy.