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Interesting entry. I played it while streaming, which made the whole desktop finding thing a whole lot more... uncomfortable. But you coulnd't have known that. Just an interesting tidbit of information. Also, your picking up of my system's name is a little dodgy, especially if it's being streamed. That one was unexpected, so somewhat worse. Fortunately I called mine "M". :D

It took me a while to understand that the mouse cursor controls the aiming of the ship's cannon. Turning the mouse cursor into a different icon, like a crosshair, may have worked well in the narrative as an extra element to add to the game disguise, and solved this issue at the same time.

Graphics are simplistic, but coherent. I actually thought the PFX for each shot being fired looked very nice.

The dialogue flows and it generates and interesting dynamic where the player needs to alternate between looking left and right and, if you're anything like me, focus on that high score.

Sounds are alright, but there is no music.

The theme has been hit literally, and works. I think your game is the closes to the theme I've seen.

Now, with all this said, I enjoyed the experience and the game is clever. However, there is nowhere for it to go. This is a quirky game for a quirky event. Self contained. It's also very small. So a high rating for me, but it's high as a game jam game, destined to remain just this. Should this concept be considered for something larger, my eval would be rather different.