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A very atmospheric demo. Writing is fun, being able to interact with so many things in the buildings really adds to the immersion. Charming UI as well!

One small issue I encountered with movement was: there is no way to turn in place. This made aligning to interact with certain items more difficult than it should be, especially that they don't very obviously conform to the grid that the player is constrained by (which is a good thing). It can also be related, but there's trouble with opening (otherwise open) doors when standing on an adjacent tile sideways to the door  and turning.

In the end it was only a minor inconvenience. The demo was fun! :D


Thank you for reviewing! I'll have that back door problem solved in the next update, thanks for bringing it to my attention! I'm working on optimizing the collision with the tile system, so there will be some improvements on that front in the next update as well. Unfortunately, not being turning in  place is a limitation of the engine. 
I'm glad you had fun! I hope you continue to follow this project.