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(3 edits) (+1)

Pretty neat idea! I found a bug in the L-shaped level with 3 water tiles and 3 crosses, where a bug makes you complete the level if you:

- Place the player and a sea tile on the leftmost cross, and another water tile in the middle cross
- Activate the left water tile causing the player to die
- Moving the activated water tile to the middle cross with the other water tile, making it die
- Moving the flag in the same water tile. When it died the level got completed.

Note: It happened to me once, I didn't try it again.


Yeah, I found this seemingly unintentional way of beating levels too. You just need to drown both the player and the flag for the level to autocomplete. You can do this as soon as second level.


Yeah, there might be a bug with the water here, others have reported similar stuff. Thanks to both of you, I'll look into it! :)