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Nice idea, it's interesting  that you can break the game for the sake of its characters, I just feel that the story is a bit underdeveloped, you didn't give me enough context to actually care for the old man or hate the AI.

The platformer part is frustrating at times because you have too little time to walk on the glitched purple platforms.

The graphics were cool, the AI sprite was out of context in my opinion compared to the rest of the art.

The audio was minimal but fitting.

Thank you for the detailed feedback. For the platformers - I got people saying it's too easy, well balanced and too hard but you're right, I think i should have made it more balanced for all skill levels. The AI sprite looks out of context on purpose, he isn't part of the world in any way, he's a program that controls the world and what you see in game is his representation. Thanks a lot for overall feedback though :)