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Good morning/evening, SweetChiel. I just wanted to ask whether the final game will be available to buy with credit card. I wouldn't want to set PayPal account solely for paying for your game, but I'm temped to get Early Bird. Meh. Maybe I'll just try to support you through the Patreon (right, while we're at it - paying with card is possible there, right?) instead.


Hi, tekkonkinkreet!
Hmm, for the moment, I'm planning to release Bermuda only at on the long run, I'm also considering Steam. 
But yup! You can support me via patreon for a couple of months and it will earn you the right for a free copy of Bermuda later ^.^)/


May I ask what does "behind the scenes" contain? Are there any available yet?


I assume 'behind the scenes' for the $10? They are mini comics for what happened when I was in the middle of developing Bermuda x'D and sometimes, I'll provide tutorials for the backgrounds I've made.

I recommend doing $5 for my Patreon though. Exclusive sneak peeks are mostly available there and I haven't had time for making mini comics and tutorials these days ><