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Solid entry!!! 

I had a tad bit of a hard time figuring out the controls, but that's my fault for not looking at the page directly, because I downloaded the game from this submissions page.

I never encountered the camera glitch, but I did use that button to teleport to that spot to be closer to the train, lol.

This world definitely offers intrigue, and I was interested in what the spooky tree amalgamations were and who the train people were.

A pause button would be a welcome addition to make it easier to close the game or have a tutorial option too with controls and directions.

Thanks so much for trying it out! Yeah we struggled with tutorializing and conveyance a bit, ideally stuff would be more intuitive and the game would teach you in natural ways, relying on the  game's page is definitely a compromise so that's not on you. Very clever use of the debug button though lol. I'm glad you vibed with the ambiance though, I think the pieces did come together pretty cohesively on that front.