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This is the absolute GEM in the JAM! I always enjoyed a roguelike card games! I will definitely spend money if you make it into a full game! Perfect 5 stars in all category!

If I could ask, how do you architech the code for this? I always wanted to make a card game, but can never wrap my head around how to design the code for this...


Thank you so much ! We're really glad to see you like the game ! We will share the source code of the game after the jam if you want to take a look :)

Super thank you! I would really love to learn from you guys!

Thank you very much <3

We use Godot, so we use the godot node architecture. Moreover, the core of the game is a state machine, and  we change the state by sending signals (observer pattern provide by godot) when we intercept an event.

Oh, Godot? Well, it's still appreciated anyway. I was expecting a Unity, but this is fine nonetheless. The basic concept should be the same.