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- I wanted to make simple models for the players but I did things in order of importance and I was alone with limited time (parents...) so I kinda had to stick with these crude shapes

- same thing :/

- you have to move to aim, it's supposed to make it riskier and more skillful to attack enemies but their small hitboxes didn't actually fit really well with that idea unfortunately

- I tried to find somewhat ergonomic settings and assumed the starting window generated by Unity would be enough to choose other controls in case of need, that's not the case apparently and I'm taking note of that

- I'm not that good with Unity yet so I never used sound or particles yikes

- I tested the game with the "maximize on play" button on quite a bunch and I apparently must have missed the text cuts upon trying the built version (I was in kind of a rush)

- I like the fact you enjoyed the toy aspect of the game, that's a good retribution on the fact I spent most of the development time on that

- It's ok, I have no issue with criticism that makes sense, and yours does, you're 100% right, and feedback is important. I'm a beginner and it really helps a lot to have a detailed list of issues so thanks :) And thanks for taking the time to play it