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January 7th end of day update

Oh boy. Lots of fun stuff today.

Made a new map loader / menu loader
Put some structure into a tutorial level
added player death / level restarting
added a level timer (60 seconds)
added a zoom functionality to the camera
fixed the camera up a bit more so you never see past the edge of the map now (ever)
and the most fun thing, added a slomo function. The little bar at the top left shows how long you can stay in slomo and once it runs out you return to normal speed. I added it because some of the more complicated kills that required a bit of accuracy were too hard to pull off at normal speed . And I mean, hey. Who doesn't love slomo.

A quick video

and some screenshots of me messing about with menu stuff

I got rid of that arrow, but I didn't want to retake the screencap

Goals for tomorrow
- score counter / kill counter
- combo system (maybe)
- add a player shadow trail (like the dash in megaman zero) (maybe)
- add in music
- make it so that the player can't get stuck in a wall / off the map after an assassination move (because that's a real bad time)
- smoke bomb powerup (maybe? probably not)
- make a system for changing levels
- make a title screen