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Did not expect this to be a puzzle game. It’s hard for me to gauge if the game design is good or not. I personally hate this "building that powers other buildings" thing that turns into a really complex optimization problem, but I believe a lot of these games have it, so it must be fun to some players.

I am not sure the "lower your score to potentially get a higher score" angle will be well received. Puzzlers are not usually gamblers. I think it could be fun if you went harder on the gambling angle, though, adding a lot more random shit and payouts. But then you need to add a reason to gamble, like unlocking new types of planet and such, I guess. So, you start with 100$ and as per usual in gambling you will statistically end up at $0 in the long run, but if you can run it up to 5000$ once with a combination of luck+skill, you get to unlock another gambling setup.

Thanks for playing the game and for the feedback! Definitely appreciate the different perspective- always viewed it as an economy game where you have to spend money to make money, not as a gambling game. It's something to mull over for sure.