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Hopefully! And, god, I know that feeling, it's in my knees too, as well as right hand and most of my feet, makes walking really hard ;w; Arthritis runs in my family as well, I don't know if my dad has it but my mother does though she's kept quiet on how it affects her. Meanwhile with me I've also gotten the possibility of Fibro adding to it after my last visit to my RA doc and general doc ;w; Cause since the RA meds haven't done anything to help besides take the edge off, when I told the RA doc that he brought up the high possibility of Fibromyalgia as to why I'm still in so much pain, which just. Was such a severe gutpunch that I spent most of the day crying cause I'm still in my twenties and there's no cure for for it, so. Yeah :')

Yeee, I ended up only using free SFXs, it was just hard finding a cloth sound effect that'd work for grabs XD As for everything else, I honestly just have ALOT of problems finding what I'm looking for unless it costs money, like sprites and backgrounds I've had to resort to DLsite and Booth cause I just don't know where else to look and google doesn't help much XD

Yee, that's true, I just don't know when I can get around to my next project, I'm still needing to buy assets for it like backgrounds XD But I may end up just posting it and making sure to put the trigger warning I put in the game on the page. Nothing really overt occurs, and it's mainly just mentioned in passing, but it's still heavy considering the MC is not in a good headspace. I also am sliiightly nervous to post it just because I didn't realize the terms for one of the artists of the royalty free music I used had a thing where I would need to email him if I wanted to use in a commercial project, which I just planned to make it pay what you want, but since his music ended up being the main ones I used, slight fear cause I'm too shy/socially anxious to email him so it may just end up free with my ko-fi listed in the description XD

Yeye! I only found out thanks to googling the dev and finding out they were still alive after many years of being inactive. I plan to buy it when I'm able cause, ngl, I originally played it via pirating it(Cause I'm poor 99% of the time ;w;) but cause I ended up loving it I want to officially buy it to support the dev. just need to save up to afford it X'D

Saaaame, though my issue is my brain being a twat and not letting me focus on things besides what it wants to hyperfocus on with it severely biting me if I try to focus on anything but that, I have such a large backlog of games I have but haven't played yet it's ridiculous thanks to it ;w;

Honestly that's fair, I don't think I'll end up using those myself, just cause I THINK I tried twine but it was confusing so I ended up dropping it X'D I might just fully write in Google docs and just trust myself to remember things/make big enough notes for route splits, it's just programming tracking what route is being chosen that I imagine I'll have issues with XD


That's not good :( Tbh, I'm really scared of ending up like my grandma because she was so frustrated at the fact that her mind worked perfectly fine but she couldn't get her body to cooperate, and in the end, she was in so much pain that she struggled to stand without aid >.< It's such a horrible thing to have. And man, fibro on top is even worse! I have a friend with Fibromyalgia and it really impacts her life a lot. She tries really hard to not let it stop her from doing things, but some days, she just really struggles.

I'm so sorry that you're in that situation :( I don't blame you for being upset about it because it's a devastating thing to hear when you're so young >.< 

Hehe, finding the perfect SFX is a big challenge! Once I find one that works well for certain things, like grabbing, I tend to end up using the same one across multiple projects because it's easier than trying to find new ones x3

And yeah, getting decent assets is pretty hard, especially if you don't have much money to spend on that sort of thing >.< I've never really totalled up exactly how much it cost me to make each of my games, but all of them involved me buying assets of some kind. Sapphire Snowe was probably the most expensive one so far cos I used soooo many assets x3

Actually, I struggle to find backgrounds more than anything because there don't seem to be that many artists making background assets, so then you wind up seeing a whole bunch of VNs all using Minikle's backgrounds, haha. Also, backgrounds seem to be the most expensive to buy too >.<

Google never helped me much either since most available assets seem to come from Japan >.< I know there are a few indie devs and artists who sell assets on that are pretty nice :3 I've seen sprites and music and stuff on itch. And also there's a lot on the Unity asset store too depending on your needs with some pretty good sales sometimes!

Yeah, it's always best to mention trigger stuff regardless of how much focus there is on it just so as not to accidentally harm anyone :3 I always find it hard to write the warnings & triggers cos it's tough to know what to say without spoilers. That's why I started putting the main ones as bullet points and then using spoiler tags to make a dropdown that contains literally everything I could think of that might be touched on x3

Ahh, right, yeah you've gotta be careful with the terms of use and stuff, haha. Though, I've actually played a fair few projects on itch where I recognise some of the assets used because they're ones I've got as well, and the devs have actually failed to follow the terms and not credited artists and stuff like they're supposed to >.<

You have to be especially careful with sprites because sometimes, even the ones that you buy which say they can be used for personal or commercial use have extra terms that say things like, but you're not allowed to redraw them in CGs or other poses, not allowed to make merch of them, not allowed to change the colours, and a whole bunch of other things that they don't want you to do >.< I've bought a few asset packs that are completely useless to me because I didn't understand the full terms of use (because using Google translate on Japanese text isn't exactly ideal >.<)

Hehe, yeah, I get that with brains being a twat x3 I find it extremely difficult to tear myself away from whatever my hyperfocus of choice at the time is >.< it's a nightmare, haha.

Google docs seems to work well enough for me :3 I use stuff like different text colours and headings/subheadings etc. to try and organise my stuff a bit better and see things easier, haha. Like I can do choices with subheadings so that it allows me to see them at a glance on the side panel rather than having to scroll through it all. And then I write notes that aren't part of the story writing in like purple or whatever, haha.