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Hi!!! Really enjoying the game,  When I get Chester (The hobo guy with trivia) I've gotten to the second question. A hint for the first question comes as follows: A Hitchhikers guide to the Universe. Can anyone help me with the second question? 

What is the scientific name of the Australian animal that drastically changes its appearance when removed from its natural habitat?

Any help is appreciated, Thanks in advance!!!

edit: Im working through the questions right now and let me know if you need any help XOXO


Well ... to reduce the scope of the search I can tell you that the animal is a fish ;)


OMG Thanks!!!!

Deleted 107 days ago

Hope this helps!

Chester's quiz 

1. 42 

2. psychrolutes marcidus 

3. chess boxing 

4. 38 

5. Uranus 

6. pirates


thank you

Thank youu

Since the answers are already posted, I just wanna complain about the first question. 42 is the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything. It is not the meaning of life the universe and everything. This is a referential joke made by people who never read the books or even paid close attention to the movie and it is so annoying to me. It also eclipses the greater joke which it is supposed to be apart of, that is, that the answer and the ultimate question cannot both be known in the same universe, lest that universe cease to exist and be replaced by an even more bizarre and inexplicable one; some people think this has already happened. 

Done complaining. Sorry. 

hi I agree with you 


Hi ! I may be wrong but it seems that the creator of the game is a spanish speaker? Not sure at all but maybe it's just of problem of translation