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This was our first game jam, or game we made from start to finish for that matter, as we're all complete beginners 😄 Definitely underestimated each part of the game, how long it will take to make. We felt like if we manage to upload anything at all Sunday, it was already worth it.

I think we learnt more through the 6 days than the past couple of months altogether, the time pressure definitely helps to motivate people. Since we have full-time jobs, we barely had a few hours each day to progress, most of it was done on the weekend, but it was a great experince, and what we didn't expect is the comunity here being this nice and supportive, doesn't feel like the jam is over at all, trying out other people's games and seeing the whole thing unfold is just pure fun!

Hopefull we'll be back at the next Brackeys jam and try to make something once again :)