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Honestly I find the spy glass to be not super useful with only a few variations in the cards

(3 edits) (+1)

This is very true.

The spyglass was initially planned to have a bigger role in revealing potential traps hidden underneath a card.

This utility was unfortunately scrapped due to its complexity and the (Pirate Software) game jam time constraints.

3 card types definitely isn't much, but I suppose it comes down to how you leverage the info using your Utilities.

I know some cool things you can do are:

  • Spyglass => Find Redraw card => Use Hatchet on said Redraw card to cancel it.
  • Spyglass => Find Utility Card on enemy's field => Use Arson to "steal" said Utility Card.

Or if you have two Arsons:

  • Spyglass => Find Redraw Card on enemy's field => Use Arson to activate the Redraw => Use another Arson

Though no one is expected to really know these tactics, but I feel as though employing them definitely affects who wins.


Ah I see, very cool.